Inflowee Healthcare Program

How it Works  |  FAQs  |  Documentation

As a part of Inflow’s medical benefits program, you have access to some of United Healthcare’s special programs, including HealthiestYou and Motion.

How it Works

How to Register:

To register your United Healthcare account go to This will require the following:

  1. First and Last Name

  2. Date of Birth

  3. Member ID number and Group Number, or

  4. Social Security Number and Zip Code

Once signed in, you can access the MyUHC portal and view your benefits 24/7.

*You must be enrolled in the Inflow United Healthcare Medical benefits program to access.

HealthiestYou - Telemedicine

HealthiestYou provides a virtual health service, with convenient and confidential access to U.S. board-certified physicians 24/7, from any location. This benefit helps you avoid unnecessary in-person doctor visits for the smaller, non-life threatening illnesses and helps you save time and money. It includes general medical, dermatology, mental health, back and neck care. Schedule a phone or video visit with certified and licensed medical doctors for diagnosis, treatment, and prescriptions, as needed, for conditions such as:

  • General Medical: Doctors can diagnose, treat and prescribe medication when necessary for common conditions. 

  • Dermatologist: Upload images of skin issue through the HealthiestYou app via message center for a confidential online review from a licensed dermatologist for skin conditions (acne, eczema, shingles, psoriasis, etc)

  • Mental Health: Connect with a psychiatrist/therapist by phone or video about anything from daily life to traumatic events (for ages 18+). 

  • Back/Neck Care: Follow quick, guided exercise videos from certified coaches, personalized for your back or neck issue.

To set up your HealthiestYou account and request a visit with a doctor, download the HealthiestYou app, visit the website at or call 1-866-703-1259.

The HealthiestYou program is accessible in all 50 states and available to all family living in your household, even those not taking medical coverage with UHC.  If a HealthiestYou program physician provides a script for an individual living in your household that is not insured through UHC, the medication would be a claim on their insurance.

UnitedHealthcare Motion

UnitedHealthcare Motion provides support and rewards for achieving daily program goals. Track your activities conveniently through the app, wearable device, or smartphone. Motion has tailored goals for different fitness levels.

The Motion program's daily incentives revolve around FIT goals: Frequency, Intensity, and Tenacity. For those not yet ready for advanced FIT goals, there's a daily participation goal. Earn rewards by syncing your device and meeting daily program goals through walking or other eligible activities.

To get started with Motion, register at You can either use your own Motion compatible device or choose one from the website. Rewards accumulate in your Motion account and are deposited quarterly into your chosen reward option/prepaid card.

Got Questions?

If you have specific questions regarding UHC programs or your medical premium deductions, contact our HI team at for more information.

Link your fitness tracker to your account to earn points!

Link your fitness tracker to your account to earn points!


Q. How do I find an in-network Medical provider?

  1. Go to

  2. Select Find a Provider

  3. Select Medical Directory

  4. Select Employer and Individual Plans

  5. Select Choice Plus

Q. How do I find an in-network Dental provider?

  1. Go to

  2. Select Find a Dentist

  3. Select Employer and Individual Plans

  4. Type in your location (street address, city, state, or zip code)

  5. Select National Options PPO 30

Q. My spouse and I are both a part of United Healthcare Medical. Can we both participate in the Healthiest You and Motion programs?
A. Yes! Employees and their eligible spouses can participate.

Have more questions? Contact and we'll answer any questions you may have.

Sync your Gym with the Go365 app to automatically record your workout sessions.

Sync your gym with the Motion app to automatically record your workout sessions.


Below is a resource document you can use to reference, research, and gather information to learn more about UHC special programs. If you have questions, feel free to contact

Inflow United Healthcare Medical Member Overview and Special Programs