Cyber | Identity Intelligence (I2) | Intelligence | IT & Thought Leadership | Training

Inflow defends the virtual battlefield with Cyber offensive and defensive measures.


Inflow provides offensive and defensive support as it stands side-by-side with the U.S. military and government agencies. To defend an attack, you must have expert knowledge of systems, networks, and computer hardware. Inflow’s information technology (IT) experience and expertise led us to create a defensive strategy against cyber threats with cutting-edge ideas, technology, and experts. Our team of cyber experts, including intelligence analysts, cyber planners, database administrators, software engineers, senior systems architects, and other experts provide a full spectrum of services, including:

  • Rapid application development

  • Ethical hacking

  • Offensive and defensive full spectrum support (network and security operations)

  • Cyber-attack planning

  • Cyber forensic intelligence analysis

  • Intelligence analysis of code

  • Insider threat protection